Thursday, June 30, 2011

To The "G"

A few weeks ago we called up Jared & Jana (Ryan's brother and his fam) and invited them to come with us to hike up the "G". Utah has this habit of putting letters on their mountains. The "G" Mountain happens to be at the top of my parents roads, where I grew up. I used to hike up a bunch of times. I do have to say, I am now convinced that mountains grow...or get steeper or something, cause SHEESH! That bugger was steeper than I ever remember it!

This was our crew. Jared & Jana, Olivia, Brady & Calvin (Tyler was home sick), Ryan, Jake, Mal & I'm behind the camera! Ryan had never made the trek. Neither had our kids. Mallory loves to hike just about more than anything else in the world. The fun part....The "G" is huge and bright white when you are looking at it from town. Ryan & Jake spent the entire hike wondering what it was made out of. There were guesses of painted rocks, etc. I didn't even give them a hint.

This was NOT what they were thinking. It never is! It always surprises that it is just a bunch of wire, sheet metal and rebar. The hike was awesome. The kids loved it and getting to the "G" was exciting for everyone.

We hung out, checked the view, had snacks, added our names to the list of names of "was here"s and then got ready to head back.

Check that view! This was actually just before the leaves were fully on. I am sure it is prettier now, but then again, it is almost 100 degrees and I am too wimpy to see for myself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Colorfully Clean

Best Invention? Crayola makes these little die tablets that turn bath water colors....without turning your kid colors! Mal LOVES THEM!

Today her favorite color is GREEN. Yesterday, it was yellow. Tomorrow is probably reds turn. It's all good. She likes to try them all on. However, she is FIERCELY loyal to the color of the day! Everything she has MUST be that color! Quite a turkey!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Ry and I try to be good about getting some alone time every week. I think we are better parents when we realize that we are a couple first! We make each other ridiculously happy! And ridiculously happy people are better parents than miserable ones, right?! :)

What could I possibly love more than a date night? A surprise date night! I don't care if I am the surpriser or the surprisee....I'm not picky! And I DO SO LOVE to let a suprise unfold and watch my hubby enjoy it!

Ry and I both LOVE music! We love to listen to it and we love to sing/play guitar. So I knew this date would be a hit.

Have you heard about Cjane's Rooftop Concert Series in Provo, UT?

I have always wanted to go to one! Now I live in Utah and I can! Yay! Plus, they are FREE! Double Bonus!

Ry and I headed to Outback Steakhouse....cause the man needs some good steak from time to time. Afterwards we drove to a parking garage in downtown Provo. Ry was still clueless. We got out of the car just in time to hear Mindy Gledhill doing her sound check. Oh, you must click that link and check her song samples out! She was truly brilliant! I loved her!

Anywho....Ry was super excited! He was way glad that I had gone outside the "movie" box and that we were going to just chill and listen to music all night!

Plus, super bonus! I MET CJANE! And apparently I was excited cause I couldn't have smiled any harder! What the heck?! My eyeballs just totally disappeared! :) In all fairness we were laughing at Ryan because he had the camera set to video mode and recorded us posing! :)

Courtney is a BEAUTIFUL person! Outside and In. We talked about Dawson. She knew all about him. We both cried a bit. I gushed a bit, cause I am just so darn proud of her! I am so impressed by her drive and the way she sets her mind to doing things and gets them done! Plus, she is stinking hilarious! I love someone that makes me laugh!

Ryan Innes provided a bit of entertainment to get us started. He was pretty darn good. Then Mindy took the stage! I LOVED her!

There were SO many people there! Good thing we got there super early! We had pretty good seats! By the time everything really got going people were so crammed on that rooftop and down on every corner of the garage until they had CJane begging people not to fall over the railing! :) This picture doesn't even do it justice!

The headliner was Meaghan Smith! She apparently just won an award in Canada that is the equivalent of a Grammy for Best New Artist. Pretty sweet! She was fab and we loved that her hubby was her lead guitar guy.

Such a fun night! I am SURE we will be showing up at next months concert! In fact I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Timing is Everything

The other night my hubby and I were having a discussion about being content. I am almost always in a good mood. It is easy for me to find the positive in situations. I totally believe that we can choose the way we see things and frankly, I like to be happy A LOT more than the alternative, so I choose to see the positive. My hubby on the other hand. DIRECT OPPOSITE! Oh man, if there is a negative spin on any situation....he will find it! Heaven help him! :)

My hubby has a hard time just being still. He really is the most intelligent & wise person I know. I love that about him....I also love that he has a wild side, like that he gets a thrill when he thinks about endo-ing HARD on his last mountain bike excursion and can't wait to get back up there and be all crazy again. :) He is a mixed bag of nuts! That is for sure! :) I wouldn't have him any other way!

Since I met Ryan I felt that he had a pretty important purpose. I know he is meant for some pretty big things. Over the years, if anything, that feeling has only become more intense. The hardest thing....waiting, or should I say, trusting in the Lord's timing. Right now is not the time. So we are doing our thing right now. However, it is easy to lose focus and get a sense of idleness or missing your mark. It is hard to not know the details, but to just be content and trust that the right doors will open when the timing is right.

Does that make any sense?

Sometimes it is hard to not get lost in thinking we have to MAKE these happen in our own time.

Ryan asked how I can be so content and happy with things now. Here is the thing...I have learned that when I am trying to force things, when it is not the right time, I am filled with confusion, discouragement and frustration. However, when events in our lives happen as they should, like our move to Utah, it flows easily. Everything seems to fall into place just right. Evidence of the Lord's hand in it all. Sure there were moments of stress, but we knew there was a plan in all of it...there always all of our lives. So we trusted the process. Things were happening fast and it was easy to trust and act when action was required.

It is this waiting that might be the end of sanity! :)

Knowing that the Lord is in control, I have learned that there are really only 4 things that are required of me. If I can get these things done each day, I am on the right track. I have every right to be content and happy!

Image from

      perfect. Sometimes more effort is required than other times, but Oh, this is important!

2. ACT OF KINDNESS - Setting the goal to do at least one act of kindness for someone each day has
     changed my life. Selflessness is not second nature to me, sadly. However, I know that it can be. It just
      takes a consious effort on my part! Serving others is serving God! We understand Him more, and
      especially our Savior, Jesus Christ, when we serve others. We are filled with His love. THAT is why this
       step is vital to me!

3. WEEKLY TEMPLE ATTENDANCE - I totally get that this is not practical in some areas, where the
     temple is not quite as close. Do what you can! Make a realistic goal for yourself and do everything to
     keep it! I live 5 min from one and there are 7 within 30 minutes of my house. Living in an area for nearly
     10 years where this wasn't the case has given me such a great appreciation for close temples! There is
     power in the temple! It is the Lords house. He is there. The power in the temple is portable, when we go
     frequently. I notice a difference in my home. Our children notice a difference...and that is a big deal!  
     How can I teach them that the temple and being worthy to be there is important, unless they see that it is
     important to me! Understanding how important the temple is to me has made it easy to find an hour to 2
      hours each week to spend there!

       Before Jake was born I was told of a challenge by a Temple President. He challenged people to go to
       temple once per week fasting. To this day I know that the miracle that happened in our lives from
       taking that challenge was being able to overcome infertility and getting pregnant with our Jake. There is
       a whole lot of power and good in fasting with our temple attendance!

Image from:

4. SINCERE PRAYER & SCRIPTURE STUDY - Seeking the Lord's will in my life. Acting when action is
      required and trusting the process. This is also where the "Prompting Journal" we talked about yesterday
      comes in, and the prayer notebook.

I believe that if I can focus on doing these 4 things....and they are all totally do-able, then I can trust that the course my life is on, is in accordance with the Lord's Plan for my life. If change is required, I will be aware of it through Personal Revelation. If I wake up each day to face a day that resembled the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that....instead of being overwhelmed by the monotony of it all, I am going to choose to find peace in knowing that I am doing just what I should be doing and that all is well! :)

Now, knowing my husband, being the spiritual intellectual that he is, I was SO grateful for a friend of mine that shared a feeling she had while studying the story of Sarah, Abraham's wife, in the Old Testament. I knew this was the missing peace to our conversation. If my hubby can find evidence in the scriptures, or trusting the Lord's timing, then he will commit to it and no waver. That's just how he is. He is good like that.

My friend talked about the story in Genesis 16. The Lord had promised Sarah that she and Abraham would have a child. Had it been 20 years before....maybe 10, either way, Sarah was taking the matter into her own hands. The promise hadn't come to pass, so perhaps she was missing something some where. So, she takes her handmaid, Hagar, to Abraham and insists that he take her to wife, so that Hagar can bare him a child.

Sarah took the matter into her own hands, perhaps losing faith in the Lord's timing.

Hagar bares a son, Ishmael, to Abraham. This story IS very interesting. Sarah, through her effort to fulfill the Lord's plan, instead of trusting the Lord's promise and timing, created a bit of a mess. She had hard feelings toward Hagar. When Sarah conceives and has Issac, Ishmael & Hagar try to kill Issac. They despise him.

Sarah has created a bit of a mess. However, the Lord has a perfect plan, and knew that this would happen. He steps in and makes everything right....or in the way it was intended to be.

This story is so interesting! I loved reading it! It goes through Genesis chapter 21, if you are interested in reading it.

We can learn so much from this story. Sarah was a good good woman. The Lord loved her. I believe that ultimately she wanted to do just what the Lord wanted her to do. The problem came when she took the solution upon herself and lost faith that an "old woman" would be able to bare a child.

Sometimes I think the greatest test in this life can be to just "Be Still and know that I am God", as it says in D & C 101:16, but being able to trust that "all flesh is in [His] hands" and that He has a plan for each one of us, a perfect plan....well, I think that is something that we can cling to and something that can give us the ability to choose contentment!

What do you think?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Keeping Track of Personal Revelation

Image from

Moving a lot has NOT been a favorite of mine over the last 13 years. I would love to plant ourselves in a spot and just stay there. However, for us, it has just not been in the plan. One day maybe.

I do have to say that the blessing in all of this moving has been the amazing people we have met. We have so many friends that I can't imagine life without. Friends that, without our seemingly constant uprooting, we would not otherwise met. The thought of that makes me more sad than the thought of another move.

Yesterday at church I was thinking about all that I have learned in each of the different wards that we have been in. This ward, because we are living in a condo, is high transition. It seems that it would be easy to just lose ourselves in our own little world, not do much to put ourselves out there, cause we really aren't going to be here all that long....or so we thought.

I was just called into our Relief Society Presidency. I feel incredibly overwhelmed by it. I know I have a lot that I can bring to the calling, but I know that there is SO much I lack. I have a feeling the Lord intends to teach me a thing or two. This is a higher maintenance ward and it will require a lot, but I look forward to it. There are a lot of attributes that I don't feel are "second nature" to me that I would definitely love to develop. I guess when you pray for help in those areas the Lord tends to hear and then chuck you right into the middle of the fire, so you don't have an option other than learning.

There is a sort of running theme that comes up each week in our Relief Society. Yesterday I really felt that the Lord was trying to send me a message. I am glad to be in this ward! For one, this lesson alone is an important one! I wanted to pass it along. Then tomorrow there will be more to go with it on a theory my hubby and I have been discussing.

Maybe I am the only one that hasn't ever thought of this, I mean, it seems that way to me in church each week. The sisters in my ward often discuss taking a notebook and pen with them when they pray. I have never even thought to do such a thing, but I LOVE the testimony they have shared of this.

Taking a notebook to prayer really emphasizes the communication aspect of prayer. It also increases focus. I don't know about you, but it is, at times, hard to shut my brain down and really focus on what I am doing. I want to be better at that.

The sisters in our ward have talked about how they go to their spot to pray, with their notebook. Then they focus on hearing the voice of the Lord as they pray for help and guidance in their lives. When impressions come they write them down, then continue to pray. How beautiful is that?! Personal Revelation is SO important to each one of us. Understanding the love our Father in Heaven has for us, and His hand in our lives and desire for our success, I believe, can have a powerful influence in the way we choose to live our lives. It also helps us discover our Individual Worth to our Father and the Divine Nature we each possess.

There is a sister in our ward that I am ALWAYS amazed by, I mean, I seem to find myself always wanting to be around her. She is wise and you can just feel the strength of her spirit. She is kind, genuine & sincere. I love all of these things about her. Yesterday she added to the thought of the prayer notebook by telling us about a lesson she learned from an institute teacher at BYU-Idaho.

He challenged the members of the class to have a Prompting Journal. Anytime they felt the spirit prompting them to do something...anything, they were to write it down. Then act on it and "return & report". That means that if they felt a prompting to speak with someone about something, work on their scripture study, visit some one in need of a friend, etc that they would write this down. Act on it. Then take it back to the Lord in prayer to discuss progress or help needed to fulfill this "mission".

You know, when she talked about this there were a few thoughts that popped into my mind.

Think of how this exercise would help us learn the voice of the spirit.

Wouldn't this also help us truly feel the love the Lord has for us individually? And even more, wouldn't this confirm the existence of a loving Father in Heaven? If we hear His voice and strengthen a personal relationship with Him, testimony or hope in the existence of a loving God would certainly be changed to knowledge. That is a powerful thing, my friends. Life changing!

Remember when I shared my feelings of discouragement I had been having?

Sometimes I think we tend to feel like we lack purpose. I certainly don't believe that we EVER lack purpose, but sometimes it is hard to feel like we can really make a difference. If we were to take notes, accomplish the tasks and then "return & report" our progress to the Lord, I believe that we will begin to feel just how much purpose we do have. I also believe that as we accomplish these things, the Lord will entrust us with more.

Sister Julie B. Beck (Relief Society General President) gave THIS talk. I LOVE it! One of the things she said in it has stuck with me and fits perfectly with this whole idea! She said,

"The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life."

If that is the case, then I would think that if we were to keep a "Prompting Journal" we would certainly be working to develop the skill of qualifying, receiving and acting on personal revelation!

Remember "...I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

If He commands...He will provide the way and means for it to be accomplished!

My goal for today is to go out and get myself a couple notebooks! I have a feeling this will be a life changing exercise! :)

What do you all think? Is this something you already do? What are your feelings about it? Any suggestions to make it more successful? I would certainly love to hear from you!

Thursday, June 16, 2011



Congrats Alea!! Shoot me an email at with your shipping address and MyBlogSpark, on behalf of General Mills & Dreamworks, will send you your prize! YAY! Enjoy it!

(Sorry this took me a while to get to this morning. Had to get my run in!! :) )

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Are You Entertained?

(Image found HERE)

The other day I turned on the TV to settle in to a little R & R time while I watched "So You Think You Can Dance". One of my all time favorite shows! OH the dancing! I love it!

When the TV came on it was on a local channel. I was a bit distracted because of the screaming and crying going on. A little girl was crying as a man was kidnapping her from her mother, who was frantically and desperately screaming in return, begging for him to stop, promising her daughter she would find her, and covered in blood, since she was apparently previously beaten by this was the little girl.

Kind of make you sick?

Me too!

When in the world did a real life horrific event, something that people in the most terror filled moments in this life have suffered through, become a source of our entertainment. It really struck me!

I also thought back to a few years ago when I was with Ryan at a doctors appt. There was a TV in the waiting room. Some kid show was on. Mallory was running around the room, playing and occasionally  stopping to check it out. A man came in and sat down close to the remote. He noticed that I wasn't watching, and saw that Mal was making laps around the chairs. He changed the channel. Totally fine. Until I saw what his choice was. He stopped a few times and watched a few things here or there to see if they were interesting enough, none passed the test, that was until he found what he thought was his best choice. I remember a woman being tied up in a pit. She was bloody and bound and screaming for her life. Apparently her predator was coming for her to finish the job.

Why do I remember the details of this? Why in the world would I spatter their gore on this blog?

Well, I remember the scream made Mallory stop in her tracks. Her attention was 100% on the TV. The man was so wrapped in the moment that I don't think he noticed us leave the room.

I remember that the woman's scream seemed so real. That actress had quite a scream. It really bothered me. Why in the world would we find entertainment in watching someone experience something like that? How is there any entertainment in something that would be our greatest fear! Since then I have been interested in the fact that these sort of crime mystery shows are the top rated shows on TV. Man, we must be seriously de-sensitized to what we are really watching!

This all made me think about the description of the people called the Lamanites in the Book of Mormon, and the words used to define the wicked people in the last days, that they are a wicked people that delight in the shedding of blood.

Interesting, isn't it?

I mean, I always thought about that in our day being the ones that were actually part of the action of shedding blood, with a little chill, mind you, for the dread of what DELIGHT in bloodshed might bring about. However, when I stopped to think about it....if a show is proclaimed the most gory AND the most watched show on TV, then what else could it mean, but being a people that delights in the shedding of blood.

That being said, how much do we watch on TV that we wouldn't allow into our homes in any other way? I just find this whole thing very interesting to think about and it really helps me get a grip on what I allow into my house. Justification comes easy to me, but when I look at it in this way....there certainly isn't any justifying it.

Anyway, I would absolutely love to here your thoughts on this! If you are interested in putting in your 2 cents....or 50 cents! :) Go ahead and click on that little "comment" link and get typing!

Monday, June 13, 2011

FHE: "Eyes On The Prize"


This lesson was all about helping my kids understand the importance of focusing our attention on the Lord and His will in our lives, instead of worldly things....or anything that might take us away from Him.

I placed a wad of cash (don't you love that someone wrote "I Love You" on the dollar?!) on the countertop in the kitchen.

Across the room, on my table, I placed a set of scriptures.

I had the kids start on one side of the room (the closest to the money) and without taking their eyes off the money, I wanted them to find their way to the scriptures on the table.

The Result: They ended up walking backwards and had to feel around behind their backs to find the scriptures. It wasn't a straight line or an easy find. They had to do a little searching.


* When the object lesson is over, ask the children why the task was more difficult than it would have been if their focus was on the scriptures, instead of the money.

Explain that we cannot enter the kingdom of God (represented by the scriptures) if we focus our attention on wordly possessions (represented by the money).

Ask your family to listen for the answer to the question "What blessings are more important than material possessions?" while they listen to or read the following scriptures. Luke 12:31-34, Doctrine and Covenants 6:7


*Why do many people set their hears on worldly wealth even though they know it is only temporary and how can we determine if we are too concerned with worldly possessions?

We discussed how it is sometimes hard to see beyond this life, if we lack faith. We lose track of our Eternal goals and we begin to seek the things of this world that we think will make us happy right now. We also talked about how anytime we put the things of the world, or activities before our church responsibilities or before the Lords will in our lives, we are choosing these things over the Kingdom of God. We talked about how to have balance in our lives.

*Discuss "What had the Lord asked you to sacrifice and how have you been blessed for making these sacrifices?"

When I hear the story about the man that could not leave his worldly possessions behind, I often feel sad for him. However, we discussed how that story can apply in our lives with the little things, like the shows we watch on TV, the music we listen to, the words we say, how we treat others, what we do with our time, etc.

We all made goals to do things differently so that we can make sure that our focus, individually AND as a family, is more on the Lord and His plan for us in our lives.

I always love to talk to my kids about how we are "Spiritual beings having and Earthly experience". To me, that helps keep things in perspective and reminds us that there is so much more for us, if we can stay focused and remember who we are.

Inspiration for the lesson come from the LDS New Testament Sunday School Study Guide Lesson #17.

Friday, June 10, 2011

This Leaves Me Speechless!

I cannot stop crying when I am watching this! What a great friend Spencer is! What a great example!

Thursday, June 9, 2011



A FREE Kung Fu Panda DVD & a free box of General Mills cereal THAT'S WHAT!

General Mills, in celebration of the Kung Fu Panda 2 release, is including a spin fighter toy and game with their specially marked boxes of cereal.

Sooooo, General Mills & Dreamworks, through MyBlogSpark, would like to send one of you lucky readers a prize pack that includes:
  • (1) box of  aparticipating Big G Cereal
  • Kung Fu Panda 2 Spin Fighter Toy
  • and the original Kung Fu Panda Movie
Now, can I just ask, Have you seen Kung Fu Panda 2?
Oh you should! I took my kids to see it in 3D. It was AWESOME! I just have to say that it seriously packed a good moral to the whole story! I absolutely loved it! Plus, it was stinking hilarious! Who knew I would like these movies so much?! I totally do!

If you have the movie already, no worries, it is a great gift idea! Just enter!

This giveaway will end on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th at Midnight. The winner will be announced on Thursday.

All you have to do is leave a comment. Say whatever you want. If you have seen KFP2 tell me what you thought about it. If your kids have a favorite character, let me know. OR just say "Pick Me". I'm not picky! Just leave a comment!

Winner will be chosen at random through Only one entry per person (not household. If you want to enter more than one person in your family....GO FOR IT!)


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rising to the Challenge

Oh have I ever been struggling! Like MAJOR!!

Every weakness, every flaw, every failed attempt, every lack of has ALL been right in front of my face and in my mind every second of every day for the last couple of weeks. It didn't help that Mallory taught me what "gnashing of teeth" must look like and there was nothing I could do to keep my kids from fighting with each other. I lost my temper more than once with the frustration. So much for "gentle & tender" mothering. Then my health is a bit beyond frustrating. I won't go into it other than, SERIOUSLY! How can I work out all the time and be super careful about what I eat and STILL gain 7 lbs. I mean....UGH! I have all these fabulous intentions of hiking and summer adventure, but finding the energy for it all...that's another story.

I mean, the frustration was only magnified by the fact that I am usually all over letting everyone else know WHO the source of these feelings are! I mean, if the adversary can't get us with "the big things", do we think he would give up?! NO!! He would re-double his efforts and hit us with his most powerful tool.....DISCOURAGEMENT. Well, he got me. I was D.O.W.N! Whats worse, I was desperately seeking the spirit and couldn't find it. I was alone in this battle.

The other day I woke up really early....I mean, like 5am early. I was determined to make it a better day. I went to a spinning class that I LOVE then came home totally energized and ready to MAKE it all get better. Guess what?! It was worse. I opened my door to find World War 3 going on between my children. Last nights dishes still in the sink. The house was a mess and it was only 7:30am!

By the time Ryan came home for lunch I had had it. I was in major need of venting. He really had no clue about the inner battle I was going through all of this covering it all up with a big smile on my face. Dumb. So, we went in our room and I told him what I was feeling. I left him a bit speechless. He is always amazing at giving me the perfect advice. So when he said, maybe you should take a nap. I did. I slept for like 4 hours. I did feel better when I woke up. I felt well enough to be able to get focused on reconnecting with my Father in Heaven so I could figure this out.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure things out. Praying A LOT! And then it came.

At church this last Sunday the sister that shared a thought before the lesson said that she had prepared a thought, but just before church a thought entered her head and she knew that IT was the message that needed to be shared. It was about her baby. He had been waking up in the night and she would simply walk into the room pick him up and give him a little love, then lay him back down and he would go right to sleep. She said that she told her husband about it and he said, "He just wants to know that everything is going to be Ok." That was her thought. God wanted to send a message to someone in the room that it was going to be Ok. I felt it in my soul. The message was great. But more than that it was the fact that I felt that He had heard me and was about to teach me why this has all been this way.

THEN the teacher stands to teach her lesson. First thing she said is that she had prepared and spent a lot of time thinking about her lesson, and then suddenly it changed. She felt strongly that she was supposed to give a different lesson. Last minute she changed it. She gave a lesson that spoke directly to me about balance and the sacred role & duty of motherhood. (I will find the talk she gave the lesson on and share it with you. It was AMAZING!)

Yesterday I spent the day fasting and praying. I needed to feel peace. While I was in the temple the greatest peace settled in to my heart. I was feeling SO much better.

Then this morning I read THIS.  I realized that I was not alone. Sometimes in the blogging world we tend to only post the positive that happens in our lives. In doing so our readers begin to feel like they are falling short. Please don't feel that. None of us should. Honestly I have read a blog or two that has left me feeling like I am falling short. Nobody is perfect all the time, but the things that we learn from each other, by seeing the best moments in each others lives, help us to find ways to better ourselves.

After reading this everything over the last few days fell into place.

The Lord did step back. I was left alone in this. He knew that the feeling of discouragement would come. He heard as I pleaded for His help and companionship. But He didn't come UNTIL. I know that He watched carefully and that He loved me still. However, I was given this experience so that He could see what I would do. Looking back at the weeks before I know that I prayed desperately. I read my scriptures. I went to the temple. I sought Him. And that is what He wants from us.

Will we admit defeat? Will we succumb to the discouraging thoughts of the adversary as he tries to rob us of the blessings of our most sacred roles?!

Motherhood is hard! It is stinking hard! But it is also rewarding.....amazingly rewarding! This is only ONE of the roles that we fill as women, there are many. Much is expected of us. But hope comes when we realize that our most sacred and important role is as Daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us. Some days we are not our best. Some days we are at our worst, but He is ALWAYS there to cheer us on, and when we can't feel Him right there, trust that He is and He is standing back to let you prove yourself and remember who YOU are as HIS daughter!


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