August 6, 2005 - January 5, 2010
Our little angel Dawson Joseph Lindstrom was freed from the cares of this world Tuesday January 5, 2010 at 11:27 p.m. in the loving arms of his family. He was born with his twin sister on August 6, 2005 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and had many wonderful adventures living with his family in Jerome, Twin Falls, Bellevue, and Hailey, Idaho.
Dawson’s life was, and is, full of purpose—for each to discover for themselves. After over 40 surgeries and 4 ½ years of service and sacrifice, he has now sealed his love, and has laid down his life for his friends—all of you. As much as we will miss his little kisses, we look forward to being reunited with him in the resurrection.
He leaves his parents, Ryan Glen and Amy Kaye (Salisbury)Lindstrom, his favorite big brother Jakob Ryan, and his special twin sister Mallory Kayla to carry on his mission. To read about his time on this earth, please visit thewondertwins.blogspot.com.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. in the Cedar Hills Stake Center, 3950 West Cedar Hills Drive, Cedar Hills, Utah. A viewing will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the church prior to services on Saturday. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at http://www.olpinmortuary.com/
**My dear hubby wrote this sweet obituary. Beautiful tribute, isn't it?
HERE to watch a short video (shown on our other blog yourlifeuncommon.com)
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this. I can't tell you the peace that we feel. It is so very hard to be without our little D's body, but he is constantly around us. There aren't words to describe the peace that comes through the KNOWLEDGE of the Plan Of Salvation and the unimaginable amount of the love the Lord has for us as his children. We look forward, with great anticipation, to our reunion with our son.

What a great photo of Dawson! You guys are one very amazing, special family. You are and have always been a great inspiration to me. Hang in there! Love the Merricks
Amy, that is beautiful. What an amazing women you are. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Ryan - Amy,
You are both definitely stalwart and such an example to us all. Our prayers are with you at this time -- know that we love you. We know Dawson had fulfilled his mission on this earth and was able to return Heavenly Father to prepare the way for the rest of us!
Love you!
Anita & Ernie
You are in our prayers at this time. Isn't it great to have the knowledge of the gospel to be able to rejoice at a time like this and celebrate his mission on this earth. He is a valiant servant of the Lord and has alot of work to do on the other side. Love you and your family and your faith that has helped me so much as I read of your life adventures. Love Frances
So pure and lovely. Ryan: You did a great job writing this and Amy you're such a great mom. I just keep thinking about how lucky Dawson is to have the two of you as parents. I really think that he chose the two of you. What a lucky little guy to have you.
Amy, Not only are you an inspiration to me, but... so is your lil' "D"!!! Ya know, I keep asking myself "why me?!" about certain circumstances in my life! But, it's a given!... God knows what's best, and.... in due time as well! It's such a blessing to KNOW that you'll see and be with each other again!!! I can't wait for the joyous reunion you'll have with your eternal family! You're in our prayers! Love Natalie Whiteley :)
I appreciate your faith and testimony. My thoughts and condolences go out to you and your family.
So sorry to hear about your loss, we can understand a little bit about what you are going through at this time. I am sorry that we cannot make it to the funeral, you will be in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!
Joel and Nichole
What a beautiful and inspiring tribute to your Dawson. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child...my heart hurts for you, but you have an amazing attitude and positive testimony. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Kallee Pollmann
My Name is Cali (Haynie) Rutter, I am Jared and Keri Haynie's Sister. I always see your blog updates on Keri's blog and love to read your updates every once and a while. I was actually friends with your sister Kayla in High school a little. I just wanted to say that You are such a great person. Your testimony and sweet spirit shows through your blog posts and I can tell you love your family so much. You are a great example to me and many others I am sure. Thanks for all the inspiring blog posts. My prayers are with you and your adorable family! I hope the funeral and everything goes well. Dawson is an adorable boy. How great that he can be in our Heavenly Father's arms now!
Love Cali Rutter!
Dear Ryan, Amy, Jake and Mallory and Family,
Our family is thinking of your family now. We so admire your faith and devotion to Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Little Dawson! The times I was with him, there was definately a beautiful, peaceful and happy feeling! You have been so blessed to have had such a Divine Spirit in your home!! Just think what he must be doing now!! We love you guys and our prayers are with you and I will never forget Special Little Dawson.
Love Mike and Jan Ames and Family!
Ryan,Amy, and family-
Just want you to know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers. What a beautiful gift to be a parent, for whatever amount of time we are given. That little spirit that blessed your home will continue to bless your lives and many others. Today, your news has touched mine, and I will look at this day differently. Glod Bless you and your little family--thank goodness for the good news that we know about eternity!
much love--John and Melodie Mauldin
I am so sad to learn of your loss. When I got the email it took me back to losing our son Lucas four months ago and I couldn't hold back the tears. I hope that you find peace and comfort at this difficult time and know that we love you.
Aaron Nelson
I just want you to know how amazing and strong I think you are and that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your blog is truly inspiring so thank you for sharing it with all of us.
We love you guys! Dawson has been an inspiration to us and has helped us grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Suz and I also look forward to spending time with D in the next life.
Your testimonies shine bright through this hard time. Well written Ryan. You two are an amazing example to Ty and me and D has definitely made a lasting impact in all of our lives. Love you guys!
Oh Amy...I am so sorry to hear about Dawson's passing. You have been such an inspiration to me and my family. Although I havnen't seen you in years, I read EVERYTHING you write. Our prayers are with you and your sweet family.
Ryan & Amy,
WOW! Of course just reading the title posting, I broke down in tears. You have been amazing examples to many people with the trials you have over come the last few years. I too am GRATEFUL for the Plan of Salvation, and look forward to reuniting with Cash again. We wish we could be there to give you our love and support, but send it to you from a far. Our Prayers are with you and your family at this time. We love our Guardian Angels!!!!
Amy, I am so sorry for your loss and so grateful for your example of faith and joy in life. You are such an awesome women. Love you.
I am one of Lisa and Ryans friend and saw her post and came over to your blog. I am so sorry for your loss. Your such a great example to moms everywhere. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story! I am so thankful also to know that families are forever and you'll be reunited one day and be able to throw your arms around each other. What a great reunion that will be!
Bless you.The picture made me cry so I just had to come and read this.I am so sorry.I just can't stop crying now.May he delight the angels now
I just found your blog and am so saddened by your loss. May God bless your family until you are all reunited with your little angel.
I came to your blog for the post on your object lesson with oil, water & food coloring, which I'm excited to use in our Young Women's this month as we talk about Commandments.
I clicked on your picture about Dawson, and read this obituary your husband wrote. I absolutely love the words he used and the message he portrayed. I may never have read such a beautiful obituary as this. The eternal perspective shines through.
I'm sorry for the loss of your sweet son.
so beautiful. Each one comes with a mission and a purpose, and then returns to God who gave them life. Such a sweet boy.
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