Saturday, November 13, 2010


Oh my friends! I have neglected to fulfill a promise. Can you ever forgive me?!

Part two of "THE TALK" is right around the corner. I promise! Let's plan on it for Tuesday, shall we?

Here is the deal. Remember how we decided to live in our RV for the Summer, for a fun adventure (check the "Our Life Uncommon" link above)? Well, suddenly it dropped to 13 degrees and the urgency to move out, winterize and store it became a little overwhelming. The fully furnished condo we planned to move into for the winter (since we plan to RV it up again next summer) was not available for another couple of weeks.

I called the Real Estate Agent that was going to rent the condo to us and 15 min. later we had the go ahead to move into a different, smaller unit, the next day.

Craziness hit in full force and with the help of my friend MyR, who took such great care of my kids, Ry and I worked all day and night to move out, clean up, winterize and move the trailer. UGH! What a day! The next two days were just as crazy. However, I got a lot done, and I LOVE when that happens! :)

So now I am back. And I absolutely can't wait to get over to the forum and read all the fun introductions and posts some of you have been making! Ry has been working on it and proves to be quite entertaining to read. He has told me he has been posting. I can't wait to read those!

For now, have a great weekend. Do something super fun. Don't forget to enter the giveaway and cruise over to the forum. Don't be afraid! :)

Next week I have a super fun FHE lesson for you, Part two of "The Talk", a little somethin somethin about Elephants and Lions....WINK. You just wait! :) See you then!

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