My sweet friend Brooke is CrAzY creative! I am ALWAYS inspired by everything she does! I wish you could all see her it is, it is private. Soooo, I asked for permission to repost this fun tutorial! Try it! Then I want to hear about your results!
A bunch of people have emailed me asking for the tutorial on freezer paper. So really quick, here you go:: The pictures are not the best; in the dark and on the floor - but you get the idea!
1. You need freezer paper (you buy it at the grocery store next to the baggies and saran wrap).
2. a material of choice :: like the t-shirts I did for St. Patty's - the pictures below are of a pair of capris. You should probably pre-wash, but I never do.
3. stencil of choice :: you can print out and trace onto freezer paper then exacto knife cut it out or I prefer using the cricut especially with letters. Make sure that the shiny side of the freezer paper is always down.
So freezer paper, green Old Navy capris and flower cricut cut out.

When you iron on freezer paper it acts like a sticker. Cool huh? I never knew that. Iron on the freezer paper (making sure the shiny side is down) to your capris. Also place a piece of freezer paper on the under side but shiny side up so that too will stick to your capris just to prevent paint going through to other side.
4. I prefer the Tulip brand, Matte finish fabric paint. I buy mine at Michaels but I am sure it is sold at other craft stores as well.
5. a good paint brush, not a sponge brush
Then with your freezer paper secure (from ironing it on) you want to dab, dab, dab motion the paint on. Depending on the paint and coverage you may need a second or third coat. So wait until completely dry in between coats. With this green paint I only needed one coat.
So cover the stencil completely and I always add glitter (while the paint is still wet). You can buy fabric glitter or use super fine glitter of choice. I prefer the white color on just about every project.
Let dry completely, a least a few hours. You can use a hair dryer to speed it up a little.
Then carefully remove the freezer paper. I find pulling the freezer paper upwards, starting from the bottom works the best, pulling the fabric down at the same time.
Then to heat set the paint, place a clear thin cloth over top and iron on top of that for 60 seconds over paint. (But make sure paint is completely dry). I usually wait until the next day to do this, so a good 12 hours.
I love the look. I have been bedazzling everything! And Elin, well...she wasn't so hot on cooperating for a picture, and Aves had already changed. They each have a few flowers down the side of one leg.
Here is a picture of some shirts she made for her girlies for St. Patty's this year! Too Cute!
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