Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hidden Depths

Remember last weeks post about being quick to Judge?

I was talking to my Mother-In-Law about what Ryan had said and she added something I just had to share!

She told me that she had seen a picture once of an iceberg. She said that the iceberg was sticking out above the water quiet a bit, but in the picture you could see that below the water the iceberg was much bigger than what you would be able to see from the top. 

She said that when she saw that picture she thought about what a great representation this was of people and the need to withhold judgement. While we can see some of the iceberg, there is such a large amount below the surface that we don't see, or maybe don't even know about.

She said that this picture always enters her mind as a reminder to not be judgemental, because there is so much more about a person than we actually see.

I LOVED THAT! What a great visual reminder! I totally want to put a picture of this somewhere that I will see it all the time.

Thanks Lynne, for yet another great lesson! :)


Unknown said...

I love this..thanks! I'm going to use this as well..great reminder!

Rebecca said...

Loved this post and the one from last week. The picture says it all!


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