Well, one day I happened into the Building Material Thrift Store in Bellevue, ID. One of the sweet spots of the Sun Valley area...in my opinion. Many a screamin' deal has been found there, my friends! Well, while perusing the isles of said store, I happened upon a pile of old window frames...a pile that made my heart sing!
I quickly found the kind man that would soon make me a very happy crafter!
"How much for the old window frames?", I asked.
"Oh, I don't know," he replied, obviously running short on any kind of idea of just how valuable the things he had in his possession. "How about 20 bucks for all 4 of them?"
"SOLD!" He had me at $20.....then completely won me over at "all 4"!
I brought the old dears home and then, sadly, they sat. What to do with them, I would wonder for over a year. Putting it off for a day when I would have more time for such things as creating.
Which was ridiculous really when I consider the hour here or there that it would actually take to just sit down and DO IT! Surely I could have spared them long before I did!
However, FINALLY, on that glorious week of creativity, when my husband and oldest son were backpacking for over a week. I was left with the twins and time on my hands.
And then......
A little modge podge, some cardstock that made my heart sing, brown ink to sponge around the edges, for personality, and some beautifully coordinating ribbon and I was beside myself! I think after it was mounted on the wall I stood in front of it for an hour! I LOVE IT!
Now what for the others?
Well, I had an idea for 2 of them, but the other....how could I keep all of the goodness to myself?! My dear friend Kristin had a birthday just around the corner and I gave her an old window of her own.
She is a genius! She used a little modge podge and her favorite FABRIC on hers. Oh, it is BEAUTIFUL! Good Job Kristin! I really LOVED the fabric and can't wait for another project I can do the same with!
Then it was time for me to wrap up the others.....
With a huge white empty wall halfway up my stairs, it was calling for some love!
And love it got!
My initial thought was picture frames. Then I thought scrapbooking. Then more modge podge. Oh the possibilities! Then VOILA!
I love that it ended up showing the personality of our family!
They have been hanging in the same spot for almost a year and I still find myself stopping to look at the pictures! So much fun!
So, do tell! Have you done any fun crafts using old window frames or frames? I want to know! I am always on a look out for more windows and I would love some ideas for what to do next!
Plus, sharing always makes it more fun! :)

Darling!! We get lots of old windows like that from habitat for humanity here in washington...I of course, like to put vinyl in the windows, with pictures :)
Yours look great!
Nice Amy! I'm going to have to look out for some of those...looking at your family pictures gave a little sting. Oh Dawson how we miss you. I love you Amy.
Ooo, I like the top one the best... We have a ReStore in Bellingham and you can get the windows for $1-2. So nice :)
Thanks so much you guys!
Well, I must say! I think I need a visit to WASHINGTON! Jill & Courtney, I am coming to visit! I need more windows! I just saw the cutest idea of making a GREENHOUSE out of old windows! OH MY! I can you imagine?!
I love this idea. I made a window with the letters if our last name... coker... and est 2006 in the last frame. I have 2 more windows from the house my mom grew up in. I be doing the pics... great Idea. One ? Did u put them on the back of the window glass with modge podge so u can't change them?
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