Friday, January 28, 2011


Everyday we delve into each others lives through blogs, Facebook, etc. I absolutely LOVE the opportunity to reconnect and keep in touch with friends.

More and more the blogging world is being filled with some seriously creative, motivating, fun blogs! We all have posts, like Melissa's in yesterday's post, that we read throughout the week that we totally love. It sparks ideas of things we want to try, do, or work on or gives you something to think about. I love sharing stuff like this. So, we are starting a little somethin' somethin' here on Friday's.

Here is the skinny.....

Each Friday, as long as want to keep it going, there will be a link party going on here! Each Friday you come here, click on the link in the post that lets you add a link to the post. It is super easy. You will simply click on it, paste the link to the post (not just the blog, the post. Click on the post title to get a page for just the post and then copy the address in the browser bar) into the area where it asks for it, name the link and follow the instructions. It really takes all of like 30 seconds. So easy!

After you leave a link be sure to check out some of the others for some fun creative ideas. They can range from recipes, crafts, money saving ideas, inspiration, motivation, thoughts, whatever! Whatever you want to share!

Links can be added all day Friday and Saturday. Each Thursday I might just highlight a favorite post or two from the previous week.

If you have a blog and you want to let people know that you are sharing a post here, grab a button and share away! The more the merrier!

Let's get this party started! Click below and share your favorite posts from this week. If you can't narrow them down, share a few! We aren't picky! :)


1 comment:

Sheena Perron said...

Hi Amy,
Had to stop by and say Hi and tell you I like the 'Link Party'idea. :)
We miss you so much here in little Hailey, ID. Don't be a stranger and you better come visit soon.


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