Monday, June 28, 2010

Floor to Ceiling Clean: Office/Den

How have you done on your Bathrooms from last week? Did you survive? I hope so! I have had A LOT of positive feedback! Good job you guys!

Let's move to the next "Theme" for this week:

This is my hubby's office. It generally looks a lot more like this.....


Guitars & Amps, papers and junk, sometimes backpacking garb. Whatever! However, I have learned over the last 12 years that he needs his space to spread his crud out. I am totally fine with it. However, occasionally it needs my TLC.

Just keeping it real....if you ever look close enough at a lot of my shelves, they are much like this!

Curse you dust! Dusting is a skill I could be better at!

See! It looks SO much better when it is done and clean!

Now this closet is in trouble! There has always been one closet or drawer in my house that is the "junk" spot. However, in the spirit of Floor to Ceiling clean, I was determined to beat it!

And so I did! All of my hubby's GEEK games, etc. have a place. Not to mention the "CAPTAIN" sign we found and HAD to have. One of my hubby's old friends used to call him "Cap'n Ron". He would appreciate this sign! :)

Alright, so let's cover a general step-by-step for an Office type area, shall we?!

  1. The best way to ensure a successful clean is to make sure that you give everything a place. NO CLUTTER! Go through everything in the room. What needs to go, and what needs a place. What are you undecided on? Make a pile. Box it up and put it in storage. If you don't need it within the next 3-6 months, TOSS IT! That really is the best way to break yourself from things that are causing clutter.
  2. If there is a desk, go through it. Go through drawers. Don't forget to use your notebook to write down drawer organizers or anything else you may need to buy.
  3. Go through files. Are you a paper saver? I used to keep all Utility bills and statements for at least a year. However, now that there is so much online, I tend to keep 2-3 months worth and toss the rest. Do what you are comfortable with. Remember that if the company is online, there is access to your account history there and access to your payment history on your bank statements.
  4. Organize book shelfs, closets, etc. Remember less is better. Keep in mind your three catergories. "What needs to Go", "What needs a place" and "What am I undecided on". If you can't find a specific place for something, perhaps it needs to go in another room or you need to make room somehow.
  5. Wipe down all furniture in the room. Don't be afraid to use the brush attachment on the vacuum. That is one handy little bugger!

  1. Lightly spray a wall with cleaner. Don Aslett's "Heavy Duty" cleaner is great for this because it is a degreaser for fingerprints.
  2. "Mop" the wall with your Microfiber Mop, or whatever you have. Repeat on all walls.
  3. Pull all furniture out from the walls during this process. This will ensure a COMPLETELY clean room!
  4. Using spray and cloth, lightly spray baseboards, doors & knobs and wipe down completely.
  5. Using your "Magic Eraser" remove any scuffs or stubborn spots.
  6. Touch up paint and patch unused nail holes, if needed.

  1.  Use your squeegee and window cleaner for the best results. Get inside and out, if possible.
  2. Pull out screens and rinse them off. Wait until completely dry before replacing them.
  3. Clean out windowsills.

  1. Take down light figures and clean with warm soapy water. Dry completely before replacing.
  2. Ceiling fan? Wipe it down really well, especially those blades.
  3. Paying attention to specific details in the room is what will make all of your effort worth it! Look around for anything else that might need cleaning.
  4. Vacuum dust out of any vents in the room.
**Remember Don Aslett's Cleaning Center is offering a special deal for reader!
At check out in the store or online enter:

  •  The code AL5410 and get $5 off.
  • On a purchase of $60 or more you can enter the code AL10410 and get $10 off.
These codes are only good until May 21st, but keep your eyes peeled for MANY more giveaways and deals from Don Aslett until then and after!

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