Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Miracle Hidden Within Us All

Just after Dawson passed away, just a few short months ago, my Mom sent me a beautiful poem. I have to share it with you!

This is a poem that is meant to be pondered...
then applied!

I totally believe we all have the power within us, if we CHOOSE to use it, to transform anything in our lives, from the difficult all the way to a complete tragedy, into something that is beautiful and inspiring, something that makes us stronger than we were before, and in turn leaves us GRATEFUL for the experience that caused such a change, no matter the severity of the challenge.  

However, the choice must be made. Will we allow something that has the power to bring us closer to who we truly are and closer to the strength that lies within each one of us, to lift us above where we currently are -OR- will we allow it to take us lower? Will we choose to live a life of defeat and sadness never knowing our true potential?

By simply choosing not to accept defeat we become stronger. It gives us the motivation to seek the help we need, perservere and "transform it into a fruit that will nourish us as we begin life again".

The Miracle Hidden Within Us All

A man must create the world
Of which he is the center.
This can be a masterwork:
The painting of an artist,
The piece of a cabinetmaker,
The field of a peasant,
The symphony of a composer,
The page of a writer.
It can be a family.
And when tragedy comes,
as it will,
we must take this suffering into our hands and,
 through will-power,
transform it into a fruit
that will nourish us as we begin life again.
This is the fragile miracle
Hidden within us all!

-Martin Gray


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