Friday, April 23, 2010

Something Old and Treasured...Now New, Shared and Still Treasured!

Many an hour was spent playing with the hutch my dad lovingly built for his little girls, me and my little sister Lisa.
It was painted white, with accents of bright green and pink, matching the wallpaper in our room.

Years later, I would spend time sanding it down and painting it (ugh) with a crackle paint. Bright red...of all things! OH MY!
My son Jake, then 18 months, was to be the one to occupy it's time. And he did. He loved it!

As he outgrew it, we put it in storage and waited and hoped for a little girl to enjoy it. And now.....

SHE DOES! New knobs, some retro-avocado paint, a little sanding for antiquing (and to let a little of the red through for personality), a dark brown stain to brush on and wipe right back off, and a gloss sealer for easy clean up, and Mallory had a 30 year old original hutch made by her Grandpa! Even the doors are custom....warped a bit from her mom and Aunt Lisa sitting a swinging on them all the time when they were little...NOW I get why my Mom always told me not to!  Oh well, we can fix that easy enough!

We completed her little space with a painting made by her royal highness at preschool and a little plant! Right homey....I would say!

Then we whipped up an apron to be used by her in all of her cooking adventures, and filled the cupboards with plastic food and dishes! At every opportunity she eats real food from her own dishes and has tea parties with real water. HEAVEN for my girl!

There is something I love about making old things new! I LOVE the process and the end result!

Are you a "refurbisher"? I would love to hear some of your ideas or goals for re-creating!

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  1. Oh my cute! Now I am kicking myself in the bum for getting rid of my little hutch I had when I was a kid. Shayne would of loved it. Sad.

  2. Just for the record I would like to say that George and I came up with the idea together and as he built it, I painted it. I also picked out knobs, furnished it with dishes & food and helped put it together. I realize that for the most part, my contribution no longer exists but the love for the two little girls who would enjoy sure does! I am so glad Mallory loves it too. The years I spent watching you and Lisa play with it were priceless and surely among those I wish I could have back. Enjoy every second....

    Love you,

  3. Love it. I'm not sure if I've ever refinished anything in my life, but I have a corner cabinet sitting in my in-laws shed that will become my special project one day. I'll fly you down to help me do it!

  4. Oh the memories!!!! It looks really good. I love, love Mallory's picture she painted too!
