Thursday, May 20, 2010

"My New Life": A little FOOD for your THOUGHTS today.

Oh, don't miss this! I almost did. I have read NieNie since the day after her accident. I have found so much strength from her experience. THIS is beautiful! 

"I am not my body". Oh, in my moments of picking apart who I am because of the shape of my body I hope I remember these wise words. Then, I hope I remember that all things in life fall in place, perfectly or not, when I remember WHO I am and focus on that. THEN there is peace and an ability to change for the better!

This video seems to hit every part of my heart that needs a bit of salve. It makes me want to seek more the "tapping" moments and let them remind me the purpose of this life and the many blessings that come from a LOVING Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ!

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