Tuesday, May 18, 2010


By: Amy Lindstrom

{Courtney and her son Russell}

First, I must say that I miss her...A LOT!

Courtney and I lived in  Jerome together. We were inseperable, really. When we were together we laughed like teenage girls. It was SO much fun! We got together to scrapbook, play in the sun, sit around and watch my first ever viewing of  "Gone With the Wind", can just about anything we could get our hands on, tease her silly hubby :) and anything else that required having a blast. 

When I had the twins prematurely she came to my hospital room to visit while we waited for Life Flight to come and get me. I was scared and my hubby was already in Utah. She was the best friend a girl could have! THEN, while I lived for nearly 8 months in a hospital in Utah, she was Jake's second Mom. On the days Ryan had to go into the office, he dropped Jake off at Courtney's house at about 5:30 am! Now that's when you know it is love! :) She would take Jake to school in Twin Falls and pick him up when he was done. She was a huge part of what made all of this managable. 

Now she is livin it up in Washington. I think Washington runs through her veins. I hated (an understatement to out-do all understatements) to see her go, but to see her happy and in a place that she loves is worth it. 

I have thought a lot about Courtney lately. She inspires me to no end. She is not a talk about what you want to do, she is a DO what you want to do person. 

I remember Courtney telling me how much she loves photography. Then I went to visit in Washington. She was researching and getting ready to purchase her first professional camera. She was going to turn her hobby into a business. Within no time she was booking appointments and working hard at perfecting her skill. I remember looking through her photography website one day totally overflowing with love and excitement for her. She said she wanted to do it, so she was!

Then, there is also Courtney's passion for writing. She graduated with a degree in English Lit. She wanted to write a book and so she just starts doing it! She makes a daily goal for words written and then goes for it. Before long she had characters and story line and she is well on her way to her first novel. 

All of this done while teaching piano lessons, being a mother to 4, soon to be 5, spending every spare minute playing outside with her family, playing piano for her little girls' first play, serving in her church callings, etc. etc. She is one busy lady. However, she balances her life SO well! She has an amazing ability to just focus. Get in, get it done and move on. She is good at everything she does because she works hard at it. Her husband loves her totally and her children adore her. It is really quite something to sit back and watch! 

So, what I hope Courtney inspires in all of us is the ability to JUST DO IT! Don't put anything off for a less busy day, progress is still progress! AND be true to yourself and don't let anything stop you from following your dreams!  

Learn more about Courtney on her fabulous website full of creativity, photography and fun:

**PLEASE submit an "Inspirational Woman" that you would like to share, email your description and a picture, if you have one to yourlifeuncommon@gmail.com. Submissions will be posted in the order they are received. Tuesday's are "Inspirational Woman" days, so be sure to have it turned in as early as you can! THANKS!


  1. Oh my gosh... I feel very uncomfortable reading nice things about myself! You are way too nice-- good memories though! Life has really been crazy since we met, right? Who would have imagined where we would be today if we had talked about it 6-7 years ago whilst scrapbooking and obsessing about stampin' up around my kitchen table? :)
