Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Recipe #13: BBQ Chicken, Onion & Bacon Pizza

Started From: Pampered Chef "It's Good For You"

I say "started from" because I basically got the idea and then flipped the whole darn thing on it's head! I must admit that we have cheated and actually have had this twice....we love it that much! And guess is divine without cheese! Who knew?! You can add it if you want, but really, it holds it's own beautifully without it! 

We have decided that we will be keeping all ingredients for this baby on hand, at all times. It seriously comes together and is served in less than 30 min! So easy! So yummy! 

  • 1 Large Onion, Sliced
  • 4-6 slices bacon cooked and cut into small pieces
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups diced chicken (or 2 cans canned Kirkland, we've tried it! Totally works great!) 
  • 1 Package (10 oz) refrigerated pizza crust (I used Pillsbury, it doesn't have dairy)
  • Parsley for garnish
  • 2 plum tomatoes (optional)
  • 1 c. Shredded cheese (optional)
  • Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce (or other favorite)

  • Saute onion, bacon & garlic. Cook until onion is tender and bacon is cooked through. 
  • Stir in Chicken.
  • Stir in BBQ Sauce until it is the consistency you like. We like A LOT of BBQ Sauce. 
  • Unroll package of pizza crust and press with fingers or roll out on a lightly sprayed cookie sheet. 
  • Spread chicken mixture over the top of the dough leaving just a bit of crust visible around the edges. 
  • Add cheese and tomato, if desired. 
  • Sprinkle with fresh or dried parsley. 
  • Bake at 425 for 18 minutes, or until the edges of the crust start to turn golden brown. 
  • Remove from Oven and let stand for 10 min. 
  • Cut serve and ENJOY! 

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I need to try that one. Cheeseless pizza is the norm for us over here. We tried something the other day with homemade pizza. After everything was on it we rolled it, like a cinnamon roll, cut into 1 inch pieces and baked. It was so good. The girls loved individual pizza rolls. I might try that with this pizza recipe. Thanks for sharing.
