Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lamb of God

A couple of weeks ago I heard about this CD in my Relief Society class. We listened to one of the songs. It was incredibly beautiful! So, I went to Seagull Book and bought a copy for myself. I have not been able to stop listening to it! It is so so beautiful and perfect! Throughout this last week I have felt my testimony of the power of the Atonement and the life, mission and love that Jesus Christ had for all of us, grow immeasurably. There is power in music like this. The narration, the solos, the choir.....the message. I cannot recommend this enough! I bought myself a copy and then had to by many more copies to give as gifts. I want everyone to hear it! 

Here is a small sample of one of the songs put to a video clip (I think it is from "To This End Was I Born".) 

If you want to see another great clip or check out more about it, go HERE to check out Rob Gardners website. I got my 2 CD set for just over $8! I would have paid 3 times that! It's awesome! TRUST ME!

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