Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cackling Calisthenics

Did you know laughing for one hour burns as much calories as a 30 min. workout? Well, if that isn't the most fun "Fun Fact" I have ever learned, I don't know what is!

So, I thought I would help you burn a few calories today with some of my favorite funny YouTube videos, which all happen to be from Ellen! I LOVE ELLEN! I love watching her show while I work. She cracks me up! Here are some of my favorite hilarious moments!

Don't forget to leave a comment with a link to your favorite funny video! I need a good laugh today! :) 


My husband thinks that the fact that I am thoroughly entertained by people getting scared by dumb things, is just plain twisted. I can't help it! This video KILLS me! I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that by the end of this video I couldn't tell if I was laughing or sobbing....I was laughing THAT hard! Oh how I love this!

More hilarious scaring...or is it scarring? Either way, I am sure is appropriate! :)

Oh, and I love when people fall.....

1 comment:

  1. That is my kind of workout. I could do a laughter marathon anyday.
