Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tomorrow is "Dawsons Day"

Tomorrow is a special day for our family. A day that would normally be a difficult one for us, however, because of a dear and wonderful friend, it will be a day of sharing....a day to honor our little Dawson and his life on the 2 year anniversary of his death.

My friend Maryon came up with with the concept of "Dawson's Day" last year. Since we were not living close to each other she decided that instead of bringing flowers to me she was going to take flowers to a mother in the hospital with her child, with a tag attached that gave the parents a way to learn more about our little man.

She challenged others to join, and they did! All day last year I received emails, texts and calls from people participating. They could feel Dawson's love as they walked through the halls of the hospital on the way to make the day for a person they had never met, but who they knew would need a little pick-me-up. What a gift to our family! What a tribute to Dawson!

This year Maryon and her Young Women group in Arizona, whom I spoke to in a fireside not to long ago, will be getting together in the evening to deliver flowers for Dawson's Day. I am so glad that these girls have had the opportunity to get to know him a bit before this activity. I am sure he will let them all know what this means to him!

Maryon and I want to challenge others to join with us and continue this tradition this year. Tomorrow will be 2 years from the day Dawson passed away. Our family will be out delivering flowers, most likely at Primary Childrens Hospital. Will you join us? Go to your local hospital and find a family that could use a little love to brighten their day. Maryon made this tag to print and attach to the flowers:

Feel free to click on the picture and then right click and save to your computer and print as many as you would like! And please feel free to share this challenge with friends and family! They don't need to know our family to participate. It is simply a day to reach out and lift someone up by sharing a little love and all the  Hope and Faith that Dawson's story has to offer. 

Then please let me know how it goes. You can email me or leave messages here. Whichever. Just please share your experience with me. It really helps us get through such a hard day with a whole lot of gratitude and love! 

If you have any questions, please let me know! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! 

(Oh, and on a side note, this spring, when it warms a little, we will be doing a little extra something for Dawson's Day, which may continue as a tradition. We will be doing a 5K run, 1 mile walk. It will include silent auctions, music and much more. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Fish Family this year! Watch for more details, they will be coming soon!) 

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