Monday, December 12, 2011


I learned over this last weekend about a sweet family that is in need of some serious help! I grew up with going to school with a few of Lisy's siblings. Lisy is a good friend of my little sisters'. This story just breaks my heart! 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if there is anything you can do to help, even if you only have $5 to give, it will be greatly appreciated by this family! 

I can't imagine what it must feel like for them to face the prospect of possibly losing 2 of their children and on top of that dealing with the finacial difficulties that will come as Tyler will be required to quit the jobs he has been working in order to help with the over 6 months time of intense isolation and quarantine that will be required as his little girls go through chemo, bone marrow transplants, etc. 

Not only will they have the typical expenses of day to day living, they must also get rid of their vehicle, which, because of it's age, could be carrying spores that would get the girls sick. Move into a newly built home that would offer a less risky environment, and then deal with the worries of giving their other 3 children the best situation while their parents have to be away in order to help their girls fight for their lives. 

Those that know this family are jumping at the opportunity to help them! They are wonderful and amazing people. They are devoted parents and we can't even imagine how difficult this situation is for them. 

When others are faced with such extreme situations, isn't our opportunity to "Share the Load"? We can lift them up and help them by carrying the burdens that they don't have to carry. So many of us can give a little we all give a little, it will add up to one of the greatest blessings for this family! 

Below is a picture of their family and a letter from a family friend explaining the details of the family situation, as well as ways to donate! A paypal account is set up for the family. You can get that through the blog link below. 

If there is anything you have questions about or a way that you may be able to help, please contact Wendy through her info below or shoot me an email at

Thank you SO MUCH! 

Lisy and Tyler have 5 wonderful children - 3 girls and 2 boys. Their ages range from 8 to 4 months. Two of their daugthers, Natalie (8) and Alice (2) have spent much of their life at Primary Children's Hospital battling for their lives with what they originally through was an auto-immune disorder. 

Natalie's condition was first noticed at 18 months, when after receiving her battery of immunizations, she had kidney failure. She later developed Acquired Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia after receiving a flu shot at age 2 1/2. Her little sister Alice, six years younger, has always had similar symptoms when exposed to common childhood illnesses. 

Natalie has had several blood transfusions just to keep her alive. 

3 months ago, after years of waiting and wondering and battling for their lives, they received a diagnosis. Both Natalie and Alice have an extremely rare gene mutation, called "Leaky SCIDS (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency)" a form of the "bubble boy" disease. 

In the US, there are only 2 people diagnosed a year with this rare disease and their little family has just filled the quota, the odds two children getting the disease is just as rare. 

Although grateful for a possible cure, bone marrow transplants, they are coming to grips with all that will entail: chemo, transplant, a child donor, quarantine and isolation, risk of infections that could lead to death, all the while, trying to still care for their other three children and their needs.

Their little boys, ages 6 & 4 are courageous in allowing so much blood work to be done to find a donor match. The 4 year old brother is a perfect match for Natalie, and will be her donor. As for Alice, luckily, a perfect match as been found via a donor bank. Both girls are getting prepped for their bone marrow transplants happening in the next week or so. 

Their 6 year old was heartbroken he couldn't "give his bones to Natalie and Alice to help save them."

Tyler has an MBA and has been working 2 jobs to make ends meet. He has to quit his jobs to be there for the 2 months of intense hospital recovery, and then to help with the intense care needed for an additional 120 days post-hospital quarantine. 

It is unbelievable what must be done to keep the sterile environment needed to prevent infection which may lead to rejection (list of items needed coming soon.)

This is where we all come in. They need prayers, they need words of encouragement, they need a ridiculous amount of specialized food (see list) as well as sanitizing materials needed. Money donations are welcome, too, in order to curb some of the cost of diagnostic testing and things like that. I add, they will need new, wrapped media or games or things to help during quarantine. They need you. Your talents- your generosity,  in more ways than just dollars. 

If you can help, please contact Wendy Shaffer (Facebook Page Administrator), to find out more.

You may donate to any of  UCCU's (Utah Community Credit Union) 18 locations under "2 FISH MARROW WISH FUND" (LINK to UCCU's Contact Page), or email Wendy at

Please go to Lisy's personal blog at There are also links there detailing other ways to donate. 

Wendy Shaffer, friend of Lisy and Tyler

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