Wednesday, December 14, 2011

DAY 1: Almond Chicken Stir Fry & Dairy Free, Sugar Free Fresh Pineapple Shake

  • Almond Chicken Stir-Fry over Brown Rice
  • Perfection Rolls
  • Garden Salad
  • Dessert: Fresh Pineapple Shake (Dairy Free-DF, Sugar Free-SF)

Here is the low down.....

From "VitaMix Whole Foods Recipes For Better Living" 

This was seriously YUM! We are off to a good start with this one! This is SUCH a great stir fry! The almonds, the sauce, the red peppers, they all make this so fabulous! And it was super fast and easy to make! Huge hit and a definite for the family cookbook! 

  • Spray or heat a little olive oil in a large pan or wok. 
  • Stir fry 2 c. diced chicken breast until thoroughly cooked. (Skip the chicken for a vegetarian option. You can add tofu instead, if you would like.)
  • Add 1 c. chopped broccoli and stir fry for approx. 3 min. 

  • While chicken & broccoli are cooking prepare and dump in a large bowl:
*1 Garlic Clove, Minced
*1 C. Carrots, Grated
*1 C. Celery, Chopped
*1 C. Red Bell Pepper, Chopped
*1 C. Green Bell Pepper, Chopped
*1 C. Green Onions, Chopped
*1 C. Mushrooms, Sliced (Optional)
*1 C. Sliced Almonds

  • Add all items in large bowl to the chicken and broccoli. Add a little more oil or spray, if needed. Cook until Crisp-Tender. 

  • Mix in blender: 
*1/4 C. Lite or Regular Soy Sauce
*1 1/2 C. Water
*2 Tbs. Cornstarch
* 1 T Cooking Sherry (water may be substituted)
*1 tsp. Stevia (or other natural sweetener)
*1 tsp. Chicken bouillon
*Red Pepper, to taste

  • When Veggies are Crisp - Tender, Pour sauce over stir-fry.

  • Cook until thickened. Serve over steamed brown rice. 


From "World Wide Ward Cook Book Mom's Best Recipes"

OUR RATING: 3 out of 5
Don't take my word for it. I do NOT like most breads. Oh the yeast! It almost kills me! The smell, the taste! Oh my! My hubby said these were great and I don't really feel like the rating is all that fair since this was my first roll baking experience EVER! Not to mention, I made them with heavy duty whole grain wheat, instead of the flour it calls for. I will try the again with flour and see if they get a higher rating. I will keep you posted on this one! 

*2 Pkgs Dry Yeast
*1/4 c. Lukewarm Water
*1 c. 70% Shortening (this is the lower fat version)
*1 c. Sugar
*2 Eggs
*2 tsp. Salt
*1 C. Boiling Water
*1 C. Cold Water
*6 1/2 - 7 C. Flour

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Set aside. Using electric mixer, cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs, salt, and boiling water. Add cold water and yeast mixture. Sift in half of the flour and mix with mixer. Add rest of the flour and mix by hand. Place dough in greased bowl. Brush top of dough with shortening. Cover and let rise 2 -3 hours or until doubled in size. If you live in a dry and arid climate, cover the dough with a warm, moist cloth with the bread rises; in more humid climates, use a dry cloth. For rolls, place in greased pan, and cover. Let rise for 1 hour. Place pan of rolls in cold oven. Back at 400 for 25 min. Makes 9-12 Servings.  

From "VitaMix Whole Food Recipes For Better Living"

The lower rating is because this was supposed to be ice cream! :) It just didn't want to set up like the recipe said. That being said, we loved it as a shake. It was fresh and light instead of heavy and over sweet. We will have this again! 

*4 C. Frozen Liquid Lite Non-Dairy Creamer (pour into ice cube trays and freeze ahead of time)
*1 Fresh Pineapple. Remove skin and core. Cut in large chunks. 
*1/2 tsp. Vanilla
*Stevia (or other natural sweetner), to taste. 

In a heavy duty blender place all ingredients in the container, in the order above. Blend until the sound of the motor changes and 4 mounds form, or until blended thoroughly. You may have to stop the machine and press the ingredients down, if you are not using a VitaMix or other heavy duty blender. If the mixture is thick, you can eat it as an ice cream, or add liquid creamer or coconut milk to thin out a bit. 

*Sweet & Saucy Meatballs
*Mashed Potatoes
*Green Salad
*Dessert: Strawberry Ice Cream (DF,SF)


  1. Yummy. I love that you are posting about this. Keep them coming because I'm interested in the no dairy no sugar diet. I think you just have to train yourself to cook that way if you want to eat that seems impossible but it really isn't is it? Also maybe frozen pineapple chunks would give you a better "shake"??

  2. It's not impossible Kayla! I thought it was for SO long, but it is totally not, if you know what to substitute! I mean, I made a dairy free Coconut Cream Pie, that I will also post, that seriously knocked every dairy pie out of the running! I also just made dairy free caramel, and with the slight hint of coconut from the coconut milk, it was easily the best I have ever had!

    With Ryan's allergy, it kind of makes it priority. Plus, his cholestrol is only 128! It dropped like crazy when he dropped dairy. There are SO many other ways to get the calcium, vit D, etc that you get from Milk. We will find them! :)

    As far as the shake....we had a fresh pineapple. I think frozen would have made it into the ice cream, but we wanted to try the fresh. It made the shake very light and fresh tasting. Really yummy!
