Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Floor to Ceiling Clean FINAL WEEK: Hallways & Closets

Alright everyone! We are on the last section of the house we will cover. After you finish this, if you have areas in your home that have not been covered, figure them into your cycle. Your cycle will likely take no more than 8 weeks. This way every two months each room gets the deep clean and with that frequency it really narrows down the amount of time you will need to spend cleaning. How great is that?!

Have you felt the difference in your home? Are you loving it? I hope so! It truly makes a huge difference.

So, let’s get on with this last part.


This is easy now. We know what is required for the floor to ceiling clean. Simply, wash walls, wipe baseboards, dust pictures, repair un-used nail holes, fix any damage and touch up paint. Easy enough, right?! Right.


If you are anything like me, these random closets can be the destination spot for those things that don’t have anywhere else to go. Oh, I always seem to have a junk drawer or closet somewhere in my house. It is my goal to get past that! Just give it a home or give it up. That’s what I will tell myself! :)

So, go through each item. If you have games, this is the perfect time to go through and ensure all pieces are present. If they are not. Chuck the game. Go through coats, tools, etc. Anything lurking in the closets.

Remember to make a list of items needed. Maybe a Rubbermaid drawer system will be handy here, or bins of some sort. Don’t forget to label everything. The key is to give everything a place! That way clean up becomes a breeze and clutter is gone forever!
Wipe down the walls and shelves in the closets.


This should be the final touch to making sure that your home is completely clean floor to ceiling! Through the next cycle you might find yourself wanting to skip a step or too. Like wiping out light fixtures or washing the walls. Don’t do it! This is what keeps the job easy and done. When you let the dirt build up, you have to live with it until you find time and energy to scrub it all over again. If you keep on top of it, you will enjoy it SO much more!

Now, if you have any questions, feedback, tips or secrets you would like to add, please feel free at anytime to leave a comment. In fact, I WOULD LOVE to hear some of your ideas. If I get enough, I will just add another post for the Floor to Ceiling Clean with all of your ideas in them....you know, for posterity :)What are the things you do that make a huge difference? How do you keep on top of organizing, cleaning, etc? What about products that are MUST HAVES for you? I would love...really love....to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. It is good to have a cleaning system and regime.Since there has to be regularity in the job it should be systematized also.
