Tuesday, May 25, 2010


by: Amy Lindstrom


I LOVE Tana! She is one of those people that everyone just seems to be drawn too. I don't think I have ever heard her name mentioned without someone saying, "I LOVE TANA". It's true. She is TOTALLY lovable. 

 Tana is: fun. creative, caring, REAL, beautiful, kind, honest, a great listener, smart, an amazing mom, able to see the best in everyone, quick to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, quick to serve and offer her help whenever and where ever she can, quick to look past anyone's faults so she can see the good in them, love them for it and then help them see and love that in themselves, always organizing a reason for everyone to get together and do something fun. Spiritual, insightful, inspirational...and MY FRIEND! 

I am glad I know you Tana! You make me better! 


**PLEASE submit an "Inspirational Woman" that you would like to share, email your description and a picture, if you have one to yourlifeuncommon@gmail.com. Submissions will be posted in the order they are received. Tuesday's are "Inspirational Woman" days, so be sure to have it turned in as early as you can! THANKS!

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