Tuesday, May 11, 2010


by: Amy Lindstrom

Jeni & her baby girl, Shayne

I know I am not alone in this one! Anyone that knows Jeni, LOVES JENI! One second she has you crying because she is telling you how much she loves you in a moment you need it most, the next...your crying because she makes you laugh WAY too hard at things like Leapster's Winnie the Pooh game called "Pooh Gets Stuck". Oh Jeni!

Jeni and I had an immediate kindred sort of connection. We immediately clicked. We so totally get each other. I love when you make a connection like that. We can sit on the phone for hours and just laugh at nothing. I love that! She calls to tell me when she can't stop laughing because of a memory of me calling her when I was stuck in a deep skating bowl at the skate park, and only made it harder to get out (in front of gobs of people, mind you) when she made me laugh even harder!

Jeni is the sort of Mother I would like to be. She is fun, kind & loving. She ALWAYS laughs with her girls. They love and respect her so much! We were all thrilled to find out that Sammi & Maci would be getting a new sister. Shayne is about 8 years younger than Maci. Needless to say Shayne is one spoiled little girl!

Everytime I hear Jeni talk about her Shayne, it makes me think about how Jeni was with Dawson. D couldn't see, but he recognized the voices of the people he loved. He knew Jeni almost immediately. He knew he was about to be loved and tickled and that he would here her laughing and telling him how much she loves him. She did love him! He loved her. A LOT!

Jeni moved back to Utah a couple of years ago. It was heartbreaking to see her go. However, we are still super close! Jeni is one of those people that would do anything for anyone and is always so in-tune with the people she loves. It never fails, if I am having a bad day, she calls. She always knows what to say to make me feel better!

When I found out from a friend that Jeni had gone to Pleasant Grove (she lives in SLC) to see my sweet Dawson's grave on Mother's Day, because she had me on her mind and what I must be feeling on the first Mother's Day since Dawson's passing, and to take flowers to him because I couldn't, I was reminded again why I love her so darn much!

She LOVES! She loves with her whole heart!

She is constantly finding ways to lift others around her, by a simple phone call or a riotous laughing session.
She knows just how to make anyone around her feel how much she really loves them! That is a gift!

Thanks for sending a little love D's way!
He knows you were there and he loves you too!


1 comment:

  1. So sweet...I TOTALLY agree! Jeni just oozes love and laughter. Oh how I love her!

    She left the sweetest message for Syd on my phone, when I listened to the message I was in the dressing room at Ross bawling. Those relationships are one in a million!
