Tuesday, May 4, 2010


By: Amy Lindstrom

Sadly, I do not have even one picture of my beloved friend Brooke. However, I want to share her sweet little boy with you!

This is Will.

Sometimes there are just people in your life that you are Divinely directed to. Brooke is just that, for me.

My dear hubby and I lived in Lehi, Utah for just a short amount of time. However, that is all it took. I met Brooke and I WANTED TO BE Brooke! She is unbelievable!

She is smart, beautiful, kind and one of the most amazing women I know.

When we moved from Lehi I was so sad to leave Brooke behind. We didn't spend a lot of time together, but there was a deep bond we wouldn't fully understand until the day of my little Dawson's funeral.

I called Brooke to let her know when I was expecting my twins. She was expecting also! We were pretty darn close in due dates. We were both excited!

I then called her to let her know that my Twins were born really early. She didn't return my call for a couple of weeks. When she did, it was to let me know that HER baby was also born 3 months early. We wouldn't get to spend much time in the hospital together, but the few times we were together I watched her and her husband with Will.

Will had gone into Cardiac Arrest and lost the majority of his brain when it was deprived oxygen for so long. Doctors suggested they cut Life Support. That was NOT the answer for them. Brooke knew it. So they started stretching, stimulating, testing and working Will's muscles. I watched in awe. Again this woman was showing me the way I was supposed to be. Full of faith AND works.

We went our seperate medical ways. We talked from time to time about similarities and things that seemed to help. I can't tell you how many times I thought, in the very hard moments, of the strength of my friend. I would recommit to be better and try harder. I would follow her example. I love her for inspiring that in me.

THEN....I called to let her know that Dawson had passed away. We cried.

Something profound happened when she walked into Dawson's viewing pushing Will. I hadn't seen him since he was in the hospital. There was a certain electricity that happened between us 4, Me, Brooke, Will and Dawson. He was there suddenly and VERY excited. So was Will. You could feel it!

Then I knew.

Will & my Dawson, before they came to this earth, were valiant and noble spirits. Their mission would be a sacred one. It would be difficult. They would suffer pain, almost constantly. However, through their sacrifice MANY people would come to understand MUCH about faith, trust, love, answered prayers & miracles, Oh the miracles!

They knew that the care they would require would at times be a heavy burden, a burden gladly carried, but at times overwhelming. Their Moms would need help. And so, we were directed to each other so that we could help each other. These boys, these very very best friends with a bond that is deep and eternal, wanted to make sure that their Mom's could help each other through the hard times, because they love us.

When I held Will, standing next to my sweet Dawson's body, Dawson let me know that Will was extremely important to him. I held Will and sobbed. I have a love for that boy like I could never describe. His mannerisms, big brown eyes and so much about him reminds me totally of Dawson. He is good for my soul!

Recently Brooke shared some experiences with me about talking to Will about Dawson. Will can't talk, but he can communicate. Dawson is with him A LOT! It brings comfort to both Brooke & I.

I love Brooke so dearly. We both know there will come a time when her Will will leave this earth too. My heart aches for her already. However, she is full of faith and strong. She is determined to make Will's life the absolute best and longest it can be. She is for certain one of my heroes!

There is nothing quite so inspiring as a woman that selflessly gives so much of her life to her children, because she KNOWS who they are and she knows the sacred nature of her calling as their mother!

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